You Are the Miracle!

You Are the Miracle!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Light Within

Each and every one of us come into this world with a very bright light. At various points in our lives we dim that light, some sooner than others through different circumstances. In some instances we are not even aware it has happened until we wake up one day to realize we have been merely existing and wandering through life feeling numb inside.

 Somewhere we seemed to have lost a portion of that spark the bright light which made us who we truly are. However, we never really loose that light we can’t, it is us. Unconsciously or maybe even consciously we can choose to dim it for fear of rejection, worthlessness, not being enough or circumstances that seem to be out of our control but, it is never actually gone. It is always there inside of us just waiting to be sparked again.

There are moments when a person or people come in and they help to increase our light, most of the time without ever realizing it. They are so full of love and their light is shining so bright that they can’t help but add to us and cause ours to shine brighter. They help to remind us who we are and what we are capable of.

Everyone in this world is important. When we come to realize that we do have a purpose and we are so much more than we ever thought we were. That light within will glow very bright again. It's like  dominoes one light after another increasing. There becomes a point where the effect is so strong a person will just walk by or smile at a another and their light will increase, and their vibrational level will change.The lights within will be their true brilliance.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Become Still

Sometimes we get caught up in the day to days, and for a bit our vibrations, our energy levels seem to lower. We get caught in the cycle of worry and fear. While at the very same time we are able to see and point out the light at the end of the tunnel for others. We can feel as though we, ourselves are somewhere lost in that tunnel searching for a way out. Groping our way around not seeing or noticing that it is our very own light that has been lighting our way the entire time. 
There isn't a light at the end of the tunnel because the light has always been a part of us. We were just closing our eyes too tightly in fear to recognize what we were looking for was already there. The answers are always there just waiting for us to become quiet, still ourselves and listen. Instead of trying to figure it all out with our head we can choose to feel and listen with our hearts.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is Your Happy Thought?

In the movie Peter Pan it is stated all you need to fly is a happy thought. With all that appears to be taking place in our world and with a lot of heightened emotions, can we really soar in joy with just a happy thought? Can we be freed from the old "unhappy thoughts" about ourselves that we believed were the truth? I believe we can!
What is your happy thought?
A happy thought, a remembering, a reminder of who you truly are!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Experiencing your personal truth!

Everything on this planet has an energetic frequency or resonance. Everything is nothing more than energy.

Therefore everything animate or inanimate emits an energetic frequency, everything has an aura a light that can be seen by some and felt by all. Things are not really solid, our perception of them and the frequency of which they vibrate causes them to appear and feel solid to us.
When we learn to raise our own frequency, tap into our higher-self, our true self, miracles happen. Our bodies will begin to heal themselves. Our skin the human part of us will radiate wellness and a youthful glow from the inside out. It can be comparable to finding the fountain of youth.

Everything that once was, is changed.

Thoughts that were of fear, doubt, and self-loathing become transformed. Old thoughts are then replaced and filled with Love, acceptance, cherishing and light. We will see the real version of ourselves and experience life the way it was originally planned, peaceful, joy filled, effortless. It was never meant to be or seem hard! As the changes happen you will find a new found respect and love for all of God's creatures, Human, nature, and mother earth. You will desire to live in a kinder way a free and blissful way. Life will be joyful and filled with awe and wonderment.
Poverty, lack of anything, is a human miscreation based on fears that have been passed down into the cells from generation to generation. There is only abundance in all things!!
There is more than enough for all.

Our current relationships either mirror the ways we are loving and cherishing ourselves or the ways in which we don’t. It’s all good; we just get to take an internal look in the mirror that is our life. The stillness inside, contains the answers that we have been searching for. The searching and the doubt will then transform into the knowing and our own personal truth.

Seeing Life in Another Color

It may appear to most people looking from the outside in, that the world is filled with chaos, darkness and fear everything that could be going wrong, is. How could it not when it appears that everything around us is falling apart? Things seem to be getting worse, relationships coming to an end right and left. People are losing their jobs and their sense of security. Countries are at war many people starving, and more, and more losing their homes and their possessions. For some it may also feel as though they're losing a sense of self. Emotions seem right on the surface and there is no controlling them. It feels as though people don’t have any control at all.

One of the biggest questions; what is going on? In the past, people went to school, went to college, and for the most part secured a job that they would work at until they retired. This does not seem to be the way anymore. More and more people are being laid off or fired. Our family has experienced this first hand. My husband was let go from his job due to health conditions back in January of this year. He was the main source of income to this family.

This was a blessing in disguise but, at the time it occurred, it felt far from it.
In this world it comes down to those “feelings” doesn’t it? How we feel or don’t feel about something or someone. Feelings are what can cause us to react or to choose to create. We may at the time be so deep into a situation that reacting appears to be a natural thing. This is a way that many have lived for most of their lives. I know that for me, reacting was almost always the way things were handled, and I am still working through that. If anything in my life took place that felt contrary to what I thought it should, I would get very upset. You could even say that I would get depressed. I did not feel that there was an alternative way to handle most situations and just felt like the world was out to get me. I have since learned that there is always a choice and there is also a gift in every experience in this life, we just don’t always see it that way.

We can in the moment of a challenge stop, take a step back, and look at the situation that is occurring, view it with a different perception. When we take that moment it gives us a chance to see it for what it truly is.  More often than not, we will see and experience a situation in a different way. My husband losing his job is a good example. This was a huge thing for our family and it felt as though the rug was completely pulled out from under us. In that moment it appeared like our whole world had come crashing down. What were we going to do? There was no more job and very little money in the bank.

From one perspective it looked as though we were finished. However looking at it in a different way this was a huge blessing! Since returning from Kosovo my husband had not been happy at his job. Not only could I see it but it was felt very strongly. On his return he had decided that he wanted to go back to college and finish his nursing degree to achieve becoming an RN with BSN. We were not sure how he was going to accomplish this. My husband had gone back to school in 2004 for 2 years to get his nursing degree. He graduated with an LPN and then continued the following year to complete his RN. Due to many different factors he was not able to finish. The time that he was in school seemed to us like a huge sacrifice and financially we felt it. I can now see that all though we did not have a lot of money while he was in school we were always taken care of. Our family had everything that we needed and a few things that we wanted as well. Things just seemed to work out. However I did not see it that way back then nor did I feel very secure. All that I saw was that we were struggling and wondering when it was going to end.

This is why after his return from deployment he wrestled with the idea of returning to school. Because of these concerns he continued to work at his job. Every once in a while he would mention something about maybe, possibly going back and finishing his degree. The thought of what had taken place before was a big deterrent for him. He decided to put those thoughts on the back burner and continue on with his job. In January of 2011 everything changed. shortly after his arrival home from deployment in 2009 he was diagnosed with diabetes, amongst other things. For a few years he was able to control it through meds, diet and exercise. In January that all changed. His blood sugar levels increased tremendously. The day he was taken into the ER while at work his levels could not be measured they were so high. When his office got word that he was being put on insulin, he was let go.

Why do I share all of this with you? If looked at through fearful eyes and thoughts this can be seen and experienced as a horrible thing. Looked at through another perception it was a gift. When my husband was let go from the job that he no longer enjoyed this freed him to go back to school, to accomplish what it is he desired most.

This world is changing the people on it are changing and there's so much more love and light now. Even when it seems as though things are getting worse and we are experiencing many earth- shattering changes in this world. We can stop, observe and look at life through a different perception we can see and experience the wonderful changes taking place. This is much like seeing the beautiful colors of the rainbow after, and even during a storm. If we can see that the storm is as beautiful as the rainbow we will be able to experience our lives in a different color.

Friday, September 16, 2011

Life Lessons in Energy and Love

I have been in this world now for 38 years. For a long time I felt dead inside, until two years ago when I came back to life.
Here is what I have learned and discovered on this journey:
The first thing that I have learned is that everything is made out of energy.
I guess I didn’t pay much attention in science class because this is actually a scientific fact. Science has been teaching and proving it for years. It has become real to me  because I have seen and do see energy in the sky and all around. This energy can and is felt in our bodies — the reason for this is that our bodies are made up of energy. This causes us to be electromagnetic.
It reminds me of the old saying, “That which you sow, so shall you reap.” If we are constantly thinking negative thoughts and saying things such as “My life is crap,” or “Can this get any worse?” then that is what we will continue to experience. We will, like a magnet, attract more negativity.
We are focusing on the very thing that we don’t want and just continuing to create more of that.
At the same time if we are thinking positive, feeling joyful, being grateful and recognizing the gifts in this life, then we will receive and create more of that — more positivity, more joy, more bliss. We will also be able to recognize that it is all good.
There is so much beauty in this world to be seen and experienced.
When is the last time that we just stopped for a moment and listened to or appre-ciated all the beautiful things in this world? When was the last time we listened to the birds singing to us, or recognized that our pets are showing us how to love unconditionally? The animals in the forests live virtually stress-free because they know how to go with the flow of life.
We are capable of feeling this energy flowing and surging through our body.
It is also possible to feel another person’s energy.
A good example of this would be when you walk into the room and things just don’t feel right, or you feel very comfortable and at peace. Another good example is when a person walks in and it feels like the room becomes brighter and everyone is drawn to him or her.
All things in this world are made up of energy. The difference in the energy is that we are all vibrating at different frequencies.
As we begin to wake up and remember who we are and learn to love and accept ourselves for the truly magnificent beings that we are, our perceptions and knowing will change.
The whole world will change!
It will be all that is real — unconditional love, light, joy, bliss, prosperity, peace, freedom and abundance in all things. We will begin to sense the pure ecstasy and euphoria of life!
All people on this planet just want to be loved and accepted for who they truly are.
Have you ever noticed to what lengths a little child will go just to get your attention? They are just saying in their way, look at me, and love me. Adults do the same thing to greater or lesser degrees.
Everyone wants to know and feel that they are loved unconditionally.
All people show and express love as much as they are capable. It all starts with us, internally, in our loving and acceptance of ourselves, and then we are able to love everyone unconditionally. We are able to see them and love and accept them for who they truly are.
People are not what they do, they are so much more! When you transform the fear you will find there is only love.
Love=Freedom and Freedom=Love
Love is the Key to everything!
Love is the Universal Language!
Through Love all things change and become what is real!

Monday, September 12, 2011

From Masks to Metamorphosis

There are many of us out there who have felt as though we have had to wear a mask. To hide the self that we truly are. We may have even felt that in order to fit in, to be loved, and accepted, we have had to disguise ourselves. Be who others told us that we were, or how we felt it was appropriate to be, just to fit in, to be "normal", to feel loved. Many out there are feeling torn. They no longer desire to burden themselves down with the many layers of masks that they have put on. They are tired of hiding their light and pretending to be who they are not.
At the same time they hold a fear around dropping their masks to free themselves and be the authentic version of who they really are. People in this world desire to feel and know they are loved, to be free! Most of this life many have been told how to live and what to believe. There are people who are waking up now and starting to question those very beliefs and the upbringing that has shaped them into who they thought they were meant to be, supposed to be.
This can feel as though a person is trapped and that there is no way out. There is hope and there is in fact a way out. It may not be what you, or I think, or expect though, because the answers, the key actually resides inside. There is no need to search outside. It has been there all along. Now is the moment in which to choose whether or not you want to know your own truth and live it. The choice to live in your bliss and Joy!
This personal transformation can then be compared to the metamorphosis of the caterpillar to the butterfly. While the caterpillar is in its own right a beautiful creature. Its life is spent crawling around in the dirt and somewhat limited. Whereas, when the caterpillar chooses to become the butterfly it goes through a metamorphosis. It is no longer limited to crawling around on the ground. The butterfly's now free to go and experience what it chooses. Through this change the caterpillar has become free and even more magnificent and beautiful than it once was. Like you, this was always inside of that amazing little caterpillar. There is a butterfly inside us all longing to be free and to experience the life that we were truly meant to experience.