Are we defined by the cars we drive or the clothes we wear? Are we defined by things that have happened to us in the past? The answer to these questions is a big No! People are so much more than that. Are things fun to have? Yes, but, they don't make us who we truly are. We are spiritual beings having a human experience.
The things that seem to us as mistakes are the biggest lessons in this life. No one person, event, or thing defines who we are. We are the ones who create our reality. It is through our choices and beliefs that our life is made manifest. In our subconscious lies those beliefs, we may not even be aware of some. There are many beliefs that have been passed down from generation to generation through genetics. We could be holding a belief inside of us that we are not worthy or that we are unimportant or unloved. I have experienced many of those thoughts myself as well as the belief of being unsuccessful.
I used to define success as someone who was famous and appeared to have it all, the money, the prestige. A person can appear to have it all and have feelings of loneliness and still not feeling worthy. I felt unworthy and alone a lot throughout the years. I also carried around thoughts of having no purpose in this life.
For who was I? I was Rob's wife and my children's mother. That was the definition of me and I was not even good at that. I had become angry and felt unloved and unappreciated. I felt like I would do and do and it never seemed to be enough.
What I came to learn is that I was not angry at my family at all. I had become very angry with myself. What had I accomplished, when did my dreams come true? Years and years of self depreciating thoughts and constantly being concerned of what others thought of me.
The fact is we are always in choice. We can choose to react or we can choose to look at the situation from a different perception.
Why was I so angry? I had based my beliefs of who I was on the other people around me. I let others define me. I did not love, cherish or accept myself. I did not know who I was or if I had a purpose for being here. If we can not Love and cherish ourselves how can we possibly Love another.
Everyone in this world is capable of Love for we are Love. We only express as much love to ourselves and in turn to others at the level we are capable. Everyone is loving everyone else at the highest level that they can in that moment.
I do know that I have a purpose and know all others have a purpose as well. Everyone is a unique piece to this magnificent puzzle called life! We are All Magnificent and Amazing and we all have something to share!