You Are the Miracle!

You Are the Miracle!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Light Within

Each and every one of us come into this world with a very bright light. At various points in our lives we dim that light, some sooner than others through different circumstances. In some instances we are not even aware it has happened until we wake up one day to realize we have been merely existing and wandering through life feeling numb inside.

 Somewhere we seemed to have lost a portion of that spark the bright light which made us who we truly are. However, we never really loose that light we can’t, it is us. Unconsciously or maybe even consciously we can choose to dim it for fear of rejection, worthlessness, not being enough or circumstances that seem to be out of our control but, it is never actually gone. It is always there inside of us just waiting to be sparked again.

There are moments when a person or people come in and they help to increase our light, most of the time without ever realizing it. They are so full of love and their light is shining so bright that they can’t help but add to us and cause ours to shine brighter. They help to remind us who we are and what we are capable of.

Everyone in this world is important. When we come to realize that we do have a purpose and we are so much more than we ever thought we were. That light within will glow very bright again. It's like  dominoes one light after another increasing. There becomes a point where the effect is so strong a person will just walk by or smile at a another and their light will increase, and their vibrational level will change.The lights within will be their true brilliance.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Become Still

Sometimes we get caught up in the day to days, and for a bit our vibrations, our energy levels seem to lower. We get caught in the cycle of worry and fear. While at the very same time we are able to see and point out the light at the end of the tunnel for others. We can feel as though we, ourselves are somewhere lost in that tunnel searching for a way out. Groping our way around not seeing or noticing that it is our very own light that has been lighting our way the entire time. 
There isn't a light at the end of the tunnel because the light has always been a part of us. We were just closing our eyes too tightly in fear to recognize what we were looking for was already there. The answers are always there just waiting for us to become quiet, still ourselves and listen. Instead of trying to figure it all out with our head we can choose to feel and listen with our hearts.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

What is Your Happy Thought?

In the movie Peter Pan it is stated all you need to fly is a happy thought. With all that appears to be taking place in our world and with a lot of heightened emotions, can we really soar in joy with just a happy thought? Can we be freed from the old "unhappy thoughts" about ourselves that we believed were the truth? I believe we can!
What is your happy thought?
A happy thought, a remembering, a reminder of who you truly are!