You Are the Miracle!

You Are the Miracle!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

New Family Lake Adventure


You just don't always  know what might happen from day to day! Each day is different and full of life's little and sometimes big, journey's.

We had quite the adventure yesterday! Went out to the lake for a relaxing fun family day. What a wonderful getaway, swimming, floating, sunning, and random Hill conversation. A fantastic time for all! It was warm outside so Rob picked up one of the folding chairs to dunk in the water in order to cool off a little. He did not notice the car keys were inside the the chairs cup holder, none of us did. The keys then fell into the water, which did not have very good visibility, and was around 20 feet deep.
The 2 boys and Rob spent the next 20 mins  taking turns diving down to the bottom of the lake. Brandon said he felt the keys with his feet a couple of times. Sean thought that he did as well. On one of the trips down Rob ended up with a hook in his finger. This little adventure could have turned into a very expensive one and a time when we could have given up hope. That was the only key to our car and it was one of those that also has a key less entry remote built on to it.
As they continued to dive down into the water we never doubted that one of them would retrieve our sunken keys. On Rob's last dive down I had this very strong feeling that he would be returning from the bottom of the lake with our keys in hand. He was down there for a bit but none of us had a panicky feeling. We knew that everything would be okay. The feeling grew stronger as he began to come back up. I know Rob, and for dramatic effect he raised his fist up first through the surface of the water and there in his hand were our car keys. We all cheered and clapped. I then kissed him and called him our hero. Alyssa kissed her dad on the cheek as well.
What an adventure we had! The key works like it never happened. I never doubted for a second that it would! We stayed a few hours longer and had a very enjoyable time!
by Katrina Singer Hill on Tuesday, July 19, 2011 at 12:13pm

Saturday, July 9, 2011


I was listening to a CD the other night as I was driving home from a meeting. The title of it was the daffodil principle. There was a moment in the CD where the woman was telling a story about a daffodil garden, and it hit me so strongly! The kind of strong that you feel in your cells and that brings tears to your eyes. She said the words just one bulb at a time. This was how a woman had planted thousands of daffodils, just one bulb at a time. In just those simple words it hit me so strongly. That is what I have been desiring to do all along. Like those flower bulbs I have been posting one blog, one article, one message at a time. Desiring to bring hope, joy, freedom and Love into the lives of others. If through these posts and messages one persons life is changed or a hint of remembering takes place I am truly Grateful! I desire that all people are able to feel their light and experience the Love that they truly are! To be an instrument or light in their own personal metamorphosis and that of the world. Guiding each other to remember who they truly are and for all to Love and accept themselves. Just one post, one , message, or one smile at a time!