You Are the Miracle!

You Are the Miracle!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

My Perception on Life!

What if I told you that there are things you believe to be true about this world and they are not? One evening in my young life changed my world forever. Things and people in my life have never been the same. I had a dream once that I was not from this world. Who I truly am, is not who I thought I was at all. In this dream I was a princess from a different world. I came here to learn and teach what true unconditional love is. Loving people for who they truly are and not for whom we think they are or even who they think they are. In my dream I was helping others to get home. You see you are not from here either, you are very special. Only you don’t yet remember who you are much like I didn’t, and I am still learning. A part of the plan is to come here and learn without remembering who you really are. Wandering around in a state of amnesia, trying to navigate your way through life’s lessons, and games. Then through numerous different ways, sometimes when you feel like you are lost and going in circles. Questioning the very reason you are here. Feeling as though you are cracked, light starts to seep through those cracks and this light is filled with the deepest love a love like you have never experienced before in this life. This in turn brings with it remembrance. Reminding you little bit by little bit of who you really are, and what your purpose is for being here. When this begins to happen your world as you knew it begins to change. You start to see and feel things how they really are.  You no longer feel dead and empty inside. When you look at the sky, you no longer see just the sky. Looking at another person you start to see the real them and the light that is emanating from their very being. They are not the person you judged them to be, they are so much more. Peering in the mirror you no longer see that same reflection that you have become so used to seeing you see your own light that was once hidden from you.  Many times I have looked at my own hands, and felt so much energy flowing through them, seen the light and colors around them ,and coming from them. I see the energy particles swirling in the sky on walls and in the air. Did you know that there are also lights around birds and animals this includes insects, they are so beautiful! This world is not dark and hard and painful, the way most believe. Quite the opposite this a beautiful alive ,light filled, joyful world just waiting for us to open our true eyes, ears, and hearts and live in Joy, peace, love, and equality. We all have a choice to live in our own self created darkness and hell, or to live in light, peace, a Heaven on Earth.

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